
The ReGreenMix modular composter is a continuous automatic reactor composter

Customer benefits of the ReGreenMix modular composter are based on the ReGreenMix process, the small amount of fresh bulking agent added, the closed reactor where the efficiency of the composting process is maximized, the modular design and factory production of the modules, unmanned remotely controlled operation by automation and fast erection and movability.

ReGreenMix modular composter has a capacity of up to 3,500 tons (DS 20%) per year. Industrial capacity depends on the properties of the organic waste.

ICON - Reactor Module
Cost effectiveness

The optimum conditions for biodegrading organisms prevail in the reactor. They biodegrade at maximum efficiency. Only about 10% of fresh bulking agent relative to the amount of waste is added. The amount of waste mass is reduced by up to about 70-80% in the process. ReGreenMix is remotely controlled and unmanned.

ICON - Conveyors
Investment efficiency and flexibility

The capacity of a ReGreenMix plant can be increased or decreased by the number of modular composters in use. The structure is modular and, if necessary, the modular composters can be dismantled, moved, and reassembled in a new location.

ICON - Heat Recovering
Good quality and small amount of compost

ReGreenMix process is efficient. The end-product, compost, is homogeneous, stable, odourless, and hygienic to handle. The amount of end-product is only about 20 -30% of the amount of waste in fed to the process.

ICON - Bio-filter
The waste law comes true, the amount of waste is reduced

In the ReGreenMix process, only about 10% of fresh bulking agent is added.
In the process, biothermal and composting are efficient and the amount of waste is reduced by up to about 70-80% and only 20 - 30 % remain as the end-product.

ICON - Automation
Environmental impacts

ReGreenMix modular composter is a closed reactor composter and does not cause odours, dust, or runoff water impacts. The process gases generated in the process are scrubbed and filtered.

ICON - Control Room
Automation controls a continuous process

Based on the measurement data, the automation of the ReGreenMix modular composter maintains optimal conditions for biodegrading organisms in the reactor and composted mass.

The end-product of the ReGreenMix modular composter, compost.

In the ReGreenMix process, only about 10% of fresh bulking agent is added in relation to the amount of waste. In the process, biothermal drying is efficient and biodegradation is maximized. Only about 20-30% of the waste remains as the end-product, compost, and is homogeneous, stable, odourless and hygienic to handle. As it is homogeneous in quality, it does not cause surprises in further processing.

ReGreenMix is a closed reactor composter that automatically maintains optimal conditions for the biodegrading organisms, allowing them to biodegrade at maximum efficiency. Only about 10% of fresh bulking agent relative to the amount of waste is added. The amount of waste is reduced in the process by about 70-80%, which reduces handling and transportation costs. Operating personnel costs are low because ReGreenMix is fully automatic, remotely controlled and does not require the constant operator presence. It operates unmanned.

A ReGreenMix plant is scalable and flexible. The capacity of the plant can be increased or decreased by the number of ReGreenMix modular composters in use. The structure of ReGreenMix is modular and, if necessary, the modular composters can be dismantled, moved and reassembled in a new location. ReGreenMix consists of prefabricated, tested modules that are connected on site. The plant does not need fixed foundations and therefore the time and cost spent on construction, assembly and installation work on site is minimized. The technical and process implementation is fast.

ReGreenMix is a closed system where the process and process parameters can be measured and controlled. Only about 20 – 30% of the mass fed to the process remains as compost. The temperature of the material processed is measured in real time and the process parameters are controlled and adjusted based on it. The compostability of the material is considered and, depending on the quality of the end-product sought, capacity is maximized all the time. The process temperature is above 55 C for at least 24 hours, which reduces the quantity of harmful microorganisms and organic contaminants. The end-product is homogeneous in structure, stable and odourless. It is hygienic to handle and, due to its uniformity, does not produce surprises in further processing.

In the ReGreenMix process, the amount of waste is reduced in accordance with the requirements of the waste law. The amount of compost relative to the amount of organic waste fed is remarkably low because the ReGreenMix process requires very little fresh bulking agent (approx. 10%) and maximizes the efficiency of the composting process. Thanks to efficient biothermal drying and maximized composting, the mass of the composted waste is reduced by up to about 70-80% and only about 20-30% remain as end-product.

The ReGreenMix modular composter is a closed reactor composter. ReGreenMix is automatic, encapsulated, closed, and equipped with heat recovering ventilation, process gas scrubber and biofiltration. The plant does not cause odour, dust,or runoff water impacts.
ReGreenMix is remotely controlled and operates unmanned. Operational safety is also guaranteed by the fact that access to the ReGreenMix reactor is only necessary during inspection and maintenance.

Low operating costs and no environmental impacts

The operating costs of ReGreenMix are competitive compared to other methods. The cost and amount of fresh bulking agent required, are low (approx. 10%). The mass of composted waste sludge can be reduced by up to about 70 - 80% due to efficient biothermal drying and maximized composting. As a result, the costs associated with transportation, handling, and use of the final product are reduced. Because ReGreenMix is fully automatic and remote controlled, it also works unmanned, saving labour costs.

The composition of the final product is homogeneous, stable, odourless, and hygienic to handle. It is environmentally friendly. ReGreenMix is equipped with a heat recovering ventilation system, scrubbing and biofilter systems for process gases, which reduce environmental impacts. Process automation increases operational safety because access to the reactor module is only required during inspection and maintenance.